During the period of 1972-1974, in the tropical waters of the Bay of Bengal, the USSR demined and cleared dozens of sunken vessels from the fairway and harbor front of the Chittagong port—the maritime gateway of the young state of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Without exaggeration, this peaceful operation saved the Bengali people from famine. Over the past fifty years since the start of the expedition, there has been sustained interest in it not only from the maritime community but also from the grateful Bengali population.

Brief History
РождениеThe Birth of a Nation
In 1971, a new state emerged on the world map - the People's Republic of Bangladesh (PRB). Its journey to independence was incredibly arduous. Hundreds of thousands of Bengali patriots perished in the struggle for freedom. The war was brief yet brutal.
Path to Victory
Recognizing their impending defeat, the Pakistanis destroyed bridges, roads, and industrial sites. Bombs and Pakistani aircraft, along with sabotage groups using magnetic mines, wreaked havoc across the country.
Maritime Blockade
During the harrowing conflict that lasted from March to December 1971, the nation's maritime and river transport was paralyzed, inflicting significant damage to agriculture. The port of Chittagong suffered immensely, with over 40 ships and boats sinking in its waters during the hostilities.
Lifeline Cut Off
The port's waterways were obstructed by sunken vessels, and approaches to the port in the Bay of Bengal were sealed off by minefields. All of this made the maritime delivery of vital supplies such as food, medicine, fuel, and other necessities to Bangladesh impossible. The young republic was threatened by the specter of famine…

В Москве состоялся премьерный показ документального фильма
ЭОН – 12. Свобода деньгами не дышит!

К 50-летию героического труда советских моряков в Бангладеш

Радость в сердце, звонкий гонг,
Канонада в честь победы!
Кажется, забыты беды —
В блеске солнца Читтагонг!

День — на праздник, будням — годы;
Смертоносный сор войны
Подрывает жизнь страны...
Минрепы пронзили воды,
Мины, мины, муть теченья —
тонут мирные суда,
Голодают города…
«Кто осуществит траленье,
Вехованье?», — Bangla’ SOS…
Заседание ООН.
Мчится в Бангладеш ЭОН,
Не страшась муссонных гроз!
Тральщики, плавкран, буксиры…
Первый спуск во тьму залива…
Всплыли мины — взрывы, взрывы…

Ради жизни, ради мира
Риск и труд в поту и боли…
«Сурма» поднята со дна!»
Сердце, майская весна
Словно вырвались на волю!

  • Юрий Москалёв
The USSR was among the first nations to recognize the PRB, signing the corresponding declaration on March 3, 1972, along with an agreement to provide gratuitous assistance in clearing the port of Chittagong from sunken ships.
On March 28, 1972, the first Soviet "landing" occurred in the port of Chittagong—a group comprising expert ship lifters, engineers, and naval personnel.
Upon entering the port, the striking sight of a massive tanker's stern protruding from the water, shattered by an explosion, and its bow not far away was evident. Some ships lay directly near the docks, with river water on their decks.
The deployed mine barrier prevented ships from entering the port to unload the delivered humanitarian aid for the republic's population within the framework of UN resolutions.

Divers Worked in 35-Degree Centigrade Water
River Current Changed Direction 4 Times a Day
Ship Lifting Operations in the Port of Chittagong. Photos from 1972
The Soviet Trawler 'Usha,' Presented as a Gift to Bangladesh in Chittagong
Article About the Feat of Soviet Sailors in the PRB
In Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper,
July 1974
"For the population of the devastated country, independence immediately translated into severe famine. Geographical constraints hindered the overland delivery of food, while the waterways and waters of the two main seaports of the country, Chittagong and Khulna, were completely blocked by ships sunk during the war and by minefields. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the President of PRB, flew to seek urgent assistance from the UN through an indirect route — via Moscow. On March 3, 1972, he met with Leonid Brezhnev and USSR Minister of Defense Andrei Grechko, requesting their help...

  • Yuriy Senatsky, a renowned expert in emergency rescue and ship-lifting operations. He raised sunken ships and submarines from the seabed, saving many lives.”
Local residents regarded the Soviet sailors as saviors.
Bengalis understood that the sailors had saved the young country from death by starvation.
In Bangladesh, a family with 5-6 children is considered small.
The norm is 11-12 children.

When the mission in Bangladesh began in 1972, the country's population was 64 million people.
population of 147 million
By the end of 1974, the population had increased to 91 million.
During their time working in Bangladesh, the Soviet sailors of EON-12 raised 26 vessels.
The total displacement of the lifted ships amounted to approximately 100,000 tons.

The depth at which the operations were conducted reached 30 meters.
Around 1,500 people from the USSR participated in the expedition to assist Bangladesh.
population of 241 million
The monument to the Soviet sailor Y. V. Redkin commemorates his sacrifice during demining operations in Bangladesh.
A delegation of veterans from the EON-12 expedition in Bangladesh is captured in a photo against the backdrop of a commemorative monument dedicated to the Soviet sailor who lost his life during the demining of the port.
In December 2016, during a ceremonial reception at the Bangladesh Navy Headquarters in Dhaka, Russian Navy veterans shared the challenging feat of clearing 1002 square miles and raising 26 ships in place of the planned 15. They conducted over 21,000 diving operations and removed approximately 50,000 tons of silt from the lifted objects' interiors in the demanding tropical conditions. Moreover, 12 berths were cleared for normal operation in the port. The raised ships were dismantled by the Bengalis, sold, and generated $10 million in revenue for their burgeoning economy.


Starting from May 2022, Russia has been hosting events commemorating the 50th anniversary of Russian-Bangladeshi friendship. For instance, within the walls of the local history museum in Lomonosov, Saint Petersburg region, an exhibition titled "Allies. Clearing the Fairway Again" was held, dedicated to the Special Purpose Expedition known as EON-12. This expedition was formed between 1972 and 1974 by the Soviet Navy and the Ministry of Merchant Marine of the USSR. Its purpose was to demine and clear dozens of sunken vessels from the fairway of the Bay of Bengal and the docks of the Chittagong port—the maritime gateway of the young state of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Delegation from the People's Republic of Bangladesh Participates in a Conference Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Special
Purpose Expedition EON-12
Посадка Деревьев Дружбы
Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg
Celebration Venues in Cities
Key celebration venues marked on the city map. The main locations include St. Petersburg, Dhaka (Bangladesh), Kaluga Region "Ethnomir," and Vladivostok
О захоронении советского матроса Ю.В.Редькина в Бангладеш
Правительство Бангладеш высоко оценило героический труд участников советской экспедиции, а бангладешский лидер Шейх Муджибур Рахман на проводах советских моряков заявил, что их самоотверженная работа стала фундаментом крепкой дружбы между странами.
К сожалению, не все моряки вернулись домой. 13 июля 1973 г. при исполнении служебных обязанностей погиб старший матрос плавучей мастерской ПМ-156 Камчатской флотилии Юрий Викторович Редькин. Он был захоронен с воинскими почестями на территории бангладешской Военно-морской академии в месте, где река Карнапхули впадает в Бенгальский залив. Ежегодно в день рождения матроса, 18 декабря, на территории академии проходит торжественная церемония возложения венков на его могилу, в которой традиционно принимают участие российские дипломаты, руководство академии, представители городской администрации и общественности. В 2016 г. и 2017 г. могилу боевого товарища посетили непосредственные участники той памятной операции, прибывшие в Бангладеш по приглашению премьер-министра страны Шейх Хасины.
(с сайта Посольства РФ в Бангладеш, 2024г.)


who will be awarded medals

  1. Midshipman Pasechnik Ivan Pavlovich      Vladivostok
  2. Midshipman Parfenov Gennady Nikolaevich Vladivostok
  3. Ruchkin Yuri Mikhailovich          Vladivostok
  4. Skachkov Valentin Fedorovich      Vladivostok
  5. Trukhan Vasily Vasilyevich         Vladivostok
  6. Prosyanik Anatoly Dmitrievich      Bikin
  7. Lyzov Valery Evgenievich       Sovetskaja Gavan
  8. Shilyaev Vasily Mikhailovich   Vladivostok
  9. Goncharuk Vasily Yakovlevich Vladivostok
  10. 10. Gavrilenko Viktor Fedorovich  Vladivostok
  11. 11.Captain 1rd rank Gorbachev Stanislav Leontyevich  Vladivostok
  12. 12. Shemyakin Gennady Pavlovich   Vladivostok
  13. 13. Petryanik Yury Vasilyevich       Vladivostok
  14. 14.Lazarev Yuri Romanovich        Vladivostok
  15. 15.Captain 1st rank Kochul Valery Konstantinovich
  16. 16. Captain 1st rank Gubenko Vitaly Viktorovich  Vladivostok
  17. 17.Captain 1st rank Koloskov Nikolai Nikolaevich  Moscow
  18. 18. Pavlenkov Yury Anatolievich
  19. 19. Captain 2rd rank Legoshin Evgeny Mikhailovich  Lomonosov
  20. 20. Petrashko Anatoly Andreevich
  21. 21. Senior Lieutenant Tulubinsky Pavel Innokentevich
   Captain 2st rank Karamyshev Vladimir Aleksandrovich Saint- Petersburg
  1. 22. Chukanin Alexander Kuzmich Saint-Petersburg
  2. 23. Molchanova Anna Mikhailovna Saint-Petersburg
  3. 24.Captain 1st rank Kuts Yuri Mikhailovich   Lomonosov
  4. 25. Chekhman Anatoly Stepanovich Saint-Petersburg
  5. 26.Captain-Lieutenant Antonov Vitaly Nikolaevich Saint-Petersburg
  6. 27.Smirnov Valery Ivanovich
  7. 28. Kalmykov Valentin Aleksandrovith     Sevastopol
  8. 29.Captain 2rd rank Sokirjanskiy Vladimir Semenovich   Vlalivostok
  9. 30. Burundukov Sergey Victorovich  Novosibirsk
  10. 31. Sobolev Sergey Petrovich        Novosibirsk
  11. 32.Captain 2rd rank Vozhdaev Vladimir Pavlovich  Vladivostok
  12. 33. Derevnin Alexander Finogentovich     Vladivostoc
  13. 34.Olenitsa Arkady Afanasyevich    Fokino
  14. 35.Rubets Yuri Pavlovich           Fokino
  15. 36.Arsenyuk Ivan Grigorievich     Fokino
  16. 37.Shlyapuzhnikov Viktor Ivanovich Fokino
  17. 38.Pozdnyakov Boris Borisovich  Fokino

                              Their widow

  1. 39.Karakash Tatyana Apollinariyevna  Vladivostok
  2. 40.Galina Georgievna Guseva Vladivostok
  3. 41.Zinaida Antonovna Filippova  Kamensk-Shakhtensky
  4. 42.Kozhurina Raisa Alekseevna Saint-Petersburg
  5. 43.Degtyar Lyudmila Nikiforovna Saint-Petersburg
  6. 44.Senatskaya Vera Yurievna Saint-Petersburg  daughter
  7. 45.Widow’s Vishnyakov Viktor Alexandrovich Saint-Petersburg .

New participants without medals

  1. Zalutskii Aleksandr Yakovlevich
  2. Skorobach Vasily Pavlovich
  3. Gabriyan Ivan Anisimovich
УЧАСТНИКИ СОБЫТИЙ 1972-1974 г. в Бангладеш, которых мы нашли

  1. Капитан 1 ранга инженер зам командира ЭОН-12
Сенатский Юрий Константинович
  1. Капитан 1 ранга Главный инженер ЭОН-12 Молчанов Владимир Александрович
  2. Капитан 1 ранга Смирнов Валeрий Иванович
  3. Капитан 1 ранга Горбачев Станислав Леонтьевич Владивосток
  4. Капитан 1 ранга Колосков Николай Николаевич Москва
  5. Капитан 1 ранга Губенко Виталий Викторович Владивосток
  6. Капитан 1 ранга Кочул Валерий Константинович Севастополь
  7. Капитан 1 ранга Куц Юрий Михайлович Ломоносов
  8. Капитан 1 ранга Вишняков Виктор Александрович
  9. Капитан 2 ранга Кожурин Виктор Павлович Санкт-Петербург
  10. Капитан 2 ранга Легошин Евгений Михайлович Ломоносов
  11. Капитан 2 ранга Колмыков Валентин Александрович Севастополь
  12. Капитан 2 ранга Чуканин Александр Кузьмич Санкт-Петербург
  13. Капитан 3 ранга Петрашко Анатолий Андреевич Санкт-Петербург
  14. Капитан 2 ранга Каракаш Иван Панкратьевич Владивосток
  15. Капитан 2 ранга Тулубенский Павел Иннокентьевич Санкт-Петербург
  16. Капитан 2 ранга Карамышев Владимир Александрович Санкт-Петербург
  17. Капитан 2 ранга Антонов Виталий Николаeвич Санкт-Петербург
  18. Капитан 2 ранга Краснов Анатолий Васильевич Владивосток
  19. Капитан 2 ранга Павлeнков Юрий Анатольeвич
  20. Капитан 3 ранга Дегтярь Семен Иванович Санкт-Петербург
  21. Капитан 3 ранга Филиппов Юрий Иванович Каменск - Шахтенский
  22. Мичман Пасечник Иван Павлович Владивосток
  23. Мичман Парфенов Геннадий Николаевич Владивосток
  24. Мичман Неудачин Виктор Дмитриевич Советская Гавань
  25. Мичман Капелюш Геннадий Валентинович Советская Гавань
  26. Ручкин Юрий Михайлович Владивосток
  27. Скачков Валентин Федорович Владивосток
  28. Трухан Василий Васильевич Владивосток
  29. Просяник Анатолий Дмитриевич Бикин, Хабаровский край
  30. Лызов Валерий Евгеньевич Ванино, Хабаровский край
  31. Гусев Иван Васильевич Владивосток
  32. Шиляев Василий Михайлович Владивосток
  33. Гончарук Василий Яковлевич Владивосток
  34. Гавриленко Виктор Федорович Владивосток
  35. Шемякин Геннадий Павлович Владивосток
  36. Петряник Юрий Васильевич Владивосток
  37. Лазарев Юрий Романович Владивосток
  38. Молчанова Анна Михайловна Петродворец
  39. Чехман Анатолий Степанович Ломоносов
  40. Гусев Александр Николаевич
В День вооружённых сил Бангладеш. Встреча всех военных Атташе в Москве по приглашению Военного Атташе Бангладеш. Рассказ о событиях ЭОН-12. С приветственным словом выступил Временный Поверенный в делах Посольства Бангладеш АХМЕД ФАЙСАЛ. Перечислили всех участников экспедиции, на экране выставлялся перевод встречи на русский язык.
A gratitude letter to the heroes of EON-12 on behalf of Marine Rescue Research Institute